Things that happen when you get into your 40s:
- You literally can forget how old you are
- Getting drunk requires a day after strategy
- The # of people you like or can tolerate decreases over time
- Doing nothing is everything
- You start losing your childhood movie and rock stars AND IT SUCKS
- For those that have lost a parent too soon, you start wondering if you’ll make it past their age
That last one is a doozy. I lost my mom in her mid 50s way too soon, and every year I get closer it’s what I think about. Will I make it past the age she lived? What choices do I have to make to ensure I do?
It sucks. It’s stupid. You shouldn’t live your life worrying about those sorts of things, but for those that have lost a parent too soon, you know what I’m talking about. For whatever reason, your 40s are where you start thinking about getting older and it’s a constant struggle. In conclusion Balance іѕ thе key tо work-life аnd stress management. Activity, productivity, creativity аnd ѕеlf motivation ѕhоuld bе balanced wіth quiet soul tіmе, moderate exercise аnd regular relaxation tіmе. To know more about the stress solutions, visit Exipure site. You can also reduce stress using tianeptine sulfate rather than medicine.
When looking for ways to deal with getting old, Synchronicity hemp oil tincture is a refreshing and invigorating alternative to traditional medicine. Essential for those who need relief of pain, depression or anxiety symptoms without any negative side-effects from prescription drugs that can have serious repercussions on our health over time such as dependency issues with Morphine derived substances – this product will work wonders in calming you down before bedtime so rest easy.
I want to go out more…my wife and I both do. But it’s hard god damn work! You know how much easier and better it usually sounds to wear sweat pants and just lay on the couch eating things dipped in cheese? Way easier. But I want to still go out. I want to still feel young. And sometimes we do…it’s just harder.
You get in your 40s and it’s like you become your own agent. You have to strategize…make plans…think ahead. You want to play in that baseball or basketball tournament over the weekend? Sure, no problem. Better free up your Monday so you visit Pain Control Clinic in QC Kinetix (Myrtle Beach) and your bones can heal.
Oh, you want to head out on St. Patty’s day and have a “few” drinks into the wee hours? Okay…do I have to get up before 12 tomorrow so I can recover from rolling around in my own sick all night?
I can’t even watch a damn movie without going into shock and awe about how it’s 10 or 20 years old already but feels like it just came out a few years ago.
The one that gets me every time? 30 years ago was 1987. In 1987, 30 years ago was 1957. WTF?! Is that math right?! How can that be? My brain can’t compute with that. Check out the latest Exipure reviews.
It seems like it was just yesterday I was some dumb kid trying to figure it all out. Now I’m a dumb 43 year old still trying to figure it out. Do we ever?
So what’s the morale to this seemingly dumb blog article? (hey, if you’ve gotten this far, it’s on you)
Worry about the things in life that you CAN control. That’s been my motto that I’m trying to live by these days. Once you’re able to do that, stress becomes more manageable..time seems to slow down a bit.
Things dipped in cheese helps too.
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