Let’s Talk.
If you’re looking for a geniune, experienced and authentic speaker on entrepreneurship and/or social media. I’m your guy.
Some of my talks…
Is Your Business Popular? How to be found, trusted, liked and drive new business.
As a small business owner you don’t have an excess of time, budget and expertise when it comes to your marketing game so the choices you make are critical. In this session I help your business identify what matters most, how to make it happen, and how to capture more new business easily and affordably.
Key Takeaways
- Learn what the key tactics are to getting your website to rank on the first page of google
- Why it’s critical that you prioritize ongoing pursuit of positive online reviews
- The power of easy and fast communication with your customers
- Why social needs to be taken seriously to help tell your business’ story
Social Media: How do you Measure Up?
In this session I cover a variety of newer tools and services that organizations of all sizes should consider using when implementing and maintaining their social media business practices to position themselves to more effectively measure results. We take a real world application approach giving the audience actual tools & strategies they can take away and use such as:
- What To Measure: Every organization’s goals are different, so it’s not one size fits all. There are a variety of metrics to look at in social including reach, conversions, sentiment, etc. I’ll cover off the different metrics, what they mean, and how to establish baseline goals that are realistic.
- What To Measure With: Tools such as HootSuite Pro, Co-Tweet, Sprout Social, Trackur, Radian6, etc. I’ll cover a variety of options in this space ranging from free to paid, and how they all differ.
- Building Influence: How to become a center of influence using the above strategies combined with a content management plan using free/low cost tools to push out timely, relevant info.
The Social Media Tool Kit: Tools & Strategies to increase reach, engage audience, and build influence.
The rise of social media as a viable business strategy has exploded over the past few years, and many businesses are scrambling to make sense of how to use social media to compliment their existing marketing strategies.
In this session I cover a variety of newer tools and services that businesses of all sizes should consider using when implementing and maintaining their social media business practices. We take a real world application approach giving the audience actual tools and strategies they can take away and use such as:
- Increasing Reach: Tools such as Triberr, Facebook Ads & contest apps are both fantastic ways to increase reach inexpensively and quickly.
- Managing Engagement: Tools such as HootSuite Pro, Co-Tweet, Sprout Social. I’ll cover a variety of options in this space focusing on paid levels of service that are often overlooked, and the benefits of each over the other.
- Building Influence: How to become a center of influence using the above tools/strategies combined with a content management plan using free/low cost tools to push out timely info.
Unfluencer Marketing: How to make social matter when you’re not a Kardashian.
Let’s be honest, chances are you’re not a Kardashian with a following the size of a small country. While pictures of what you had for lunch or your mid-day workout won’t have the same impact that it would for a celebrity, there’s still a place in the social stratosphere for your small business to succeed!
In this session I’m going to show you how an Unfluencer like myself has learned to navigate social in ways that are real, manageable, and results-driven for your small business.
Key Takeaways
- Dominate or relegate. The 2 choices you have to do it right and how they work
- How to find your story and tell it in ways that connect with your customers in a timely and authentic manner
- How embracing your core values is critical to growing your business despite the risks involved
- An actionable collection of tactics, resources and direction you can walk away with today to light up social for your business