Certainly the highlight of my Toronto trip last week was getting the opportunity to appear on the tech show Webnation that is part of the CP24 network which is a Canadian news channel. The show is hosted by Amber Mac who was also the keynote speaker at SES Toronto. Often times television personalities and book authors can be a bit pretentious, but I found Amber to be really down to earth and a pleasure to work with on the segment.
Interestingly I had no idea the show was live and not taped, and didn’t find out until about a 1/2 hour before the show. Luckily for me I was prepared, and was able to make it through with only a few minor word fumbles. Triberr was definitely the crown jewel of the segment, and I continue to get quite a bit of interest in this up and coming reach multiplier tool. I predict big things for the Triberr world.
It’s crazy to watch yourself on video. I’m sure I’m more of a critic of myself then anyone else, but I definitely realize that when it comes to presenting either on camera or in person, nothing beats preparation. As long as you know what you are talking about, and you take the time to work through it a few times, it usually works out well. Yes, I know, not the biggest revelation in the world, but you’d be surprised how many presentations/speakers I’ve experienced that visibly did not prepare.
Overall a great trip and hope that I can parlay it into future show appearances that can be catch with this Satellite tv for business or Home Dish Network installation. Fingers crossed for Extreme Makeover.
dude…you were GREAT!!!
Thank you so much for being such an advocate. You came off really prepared and informative. Knocked it out of the park as far as Im concerned 🙂
Jason, aloha. Though I tweeted this a couple of times yesterday, wanted to make sure you know that I thought you did a terrific job in this interview. Dino and I are in 100% agreement, Jason, you absolutely knocked it out of the park.
Aside from your easy-to-understand explanation of Triberr, I appreciate your comments on blogging.
One final comment, Jason, you packed one heck of a lot of solid content into 6 minutes. Wow! The amazing part is you seemed so calm yet you responded and delivered so quickly.
Well done, my friend. Aloha. Janet
Jason nice to have founds you… Great tips on your segment !
Thank you.
Jason nice to have founds you… Great tips on your segment !
Thank you.