It can be easy to get caught up in being named to top lists on the web. Quite frankly anyone can create a list of top anything and include those people or things that they find worthy of the list based on a variety of factors. But I can’t help but feel honored to be included on the Who Are The Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers? list by Forbes. I mean…it is Forbes right?
Regardless of the circumstances, algorithms, or opinions, I’m flattered and it’s just another feel good moment knowing that the time I spend on my blog means something to others. So many great names on that list that I respect and enjoy and to be included with them is awesome. I can’t speak to the exact methodology that was used to determine this list, but I would imagine that my blog factored in way more then anything else. It just goes to show that creating great content can be a game changer for you personally or professionally.
The funniest thing about finding out about the list was my initial reaction. It was a mix of shock and excitement, but was immediately followed by this thought…”Man, I need to be doing more!” How crazy is that? I get recognition for my efforts thus far, and my first thought is what more could I be doing? How can I capitalize on this recognition and do more? I have a full-time job and have to spend the majority of my time delivering on social media work for clients, so it’s very difficult to be able to spend a large amount of time on my personal blog or personal social efforts. So I can’t imagine how much more I could actually take on, but I certainly feel compelled to do so.
So I’m humbled, but also realistic to know that it’s just a subjective list and could easily be argued (which if you take a look at the comments is already the case). Let’s be honest, there are some fantastic folks out there not on the list that I would easily include that create amazing content, are socially active and influence significantly. Some of my recent favs you must make a regular read include, Mark Murnhan, Dino Dogan, Daniel Newman, Francisco Rosales, Jessica Northey, and special shout out to one my personal fav blogs and list detractor Erika Napoletano (her stuff is just plain awesome, and let’s be honest, pretty damn influential). So many more out there I read and enjoy, but these are just a few that come to mind.
So flattered, honored, but realistic to know that it’s business as usual, and while I will certainly take advantage of the accolades, I’ll continue to stay the course and try to provide useful, entertaining content and connect with others as much as my schedule permits. Big thanks to all and anyone that takes the time to read. More to come!
Congrats Jason, yes these lists can be created to mean anything but I look at whose in them and honestly you are in good company.
Your work online speaks for itself, well done.
To kicking butt in 2012
Thanks a ton John. Means a lot. I think the company in that list is what makes being included the most amazing to me.
Congratulations! Way to go! Reality TV star, Forbes Social Media leader, what’s next?
I hope 2012 continues to be jam-packed with success for you, Jason!
Oh geez! I’m no reality start yet. Maybe this will help get me on though! Thanks for the kind words Carolyn.
Congrats Jason! You’re an influencer because you bring content and ideas to the social media community that people identify with and value. Regardless of how objective/subjective the rating is, you appear at the top when the community agrees and your initial reaction is a clear indicator of why you’re meant to do what you do.
Thanks Arthur. Comments like that keep me inspired to keep making contributions.
Really happy for you. You deserve it amigo.
Now, keep up the good work so you can stay here!
Thanks Dan. I’m sure it’s just as easy to disappear off the list as it is to stay on it so I’ll keep cranking away.
Congrats on making it to the list Jason. You definitely deserved it.
I would agree about tons of people aren’t on the list. I could name a couple of great people too! Not really sure the algorithm though that was used to determined though.
GO KICK BUTT in 2012 mate.
Thanks Aaron. I think you’re a pretty clear example of someone who could and should easily be on that list as well.
Gonna have to agree with Aaron on this one. Regardless of metrics, you’re one of the people I always see out there with solid information directly related to social. Keep it up – and it doesn’t really matter what list you’re on. It matter what your audience thinks 😉
Congrats Jason. For once, Forbes go it right 🙂
Oh man, I bet their are quite a few folks who would disagree, but then again, I suppose any top list can be argued regardless. Thanks!
Way to go Jason! I now expect your autograph to be sent to me by mail 😛
On it’s way along with a fan club t-shirt, posters and jYO club certificate of authenticity!
Congrats Jason! Recognition is always a great thing-you’ve been doing a great job.
Thanks Robert. Good to hear from you and hope you are doing well.
Those were my exact same thoughts when I found I too was on the list: “Man, I need to be doing more!”
It was most certainly my Twitter following that got me on the list. My blog needs serious attention–and now it’s going to get some.
Anyway, congrats. Now get back to work 😉
You’ve now got me as a subscriber too.
Glad to hear I wasn’t alone. I’m sure Twitter played into it for me as well, but I’m not as active on their as most folks are. I suppose collectively what I do helped me. Thanks for stopping by and appreciate your support!
Like you, I tend to question the formulation of such lists, but it should not be overlooked that you were not overlooked. It is usually not a complete mystery.
It is always excellent to be on an A-List. I think it is also quite nice to be on the A-List of A-Listers. Cheers to us both! 😉
Thank you kindly for your confidence and consideration.
You’re the man Mark. Your blog content is as good as anything out there.
Congratulations, Jason! So glad we connected last year and that I discovered your blog. Keep up the good work and here’s to the first of many Forbes’ lists! 😉
Congratulations, Jason. I especially admire your servant heart for wanting to do more. To do good. To do good that has impact and multiplies.
What do you have in mind?
Thanks for the kind words Stan. As far as what I have in mind that’s a great question. Definitely the commitment to blogging more regularly, commenting more on other blogs, just overall putting in as much time as I can to being socially involved on a personal level in addition to what I do professionally.
And to think we shared cube row together at Microsoft. Should have snagged your autograph then.
You should have. Now I’ll have to charge.
Hi Jason,
You really have a great potentials in making things possible, How I wish, you will continue bringing to us the satisfaction that we longing for… Thanks a lot.
Jason – honored to be on the list with you! I had the same thought… what more can I do and what am I not doing yet? Answer: Plenty! I’m gathering a Pinterest board of the blog posts about the Top 50 list. Haven’t create a G+ circle yet, but it’s on my to-do list. Perhaps after I finish another project.
I think your comment about working on your own stuff after helping clients is a key factor I see in everyone on the list. They don’t just do their own stuff but seem to be in helping others figure it out as well. Perhaps that’s part of the key to success? We’ll see.