Earlier this year I decided to make a switch to the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 from an iPhone 5. I wrote an initial piece about this switch, and my reasons for it, mainly as I wanted a larger screen for my phone, and I had grown increasingly frustrated with Apple’s lack of keeping up with the competition. It is now roughly 4 months later and I’ve had plenty of time with this new device, and I can say with the utmost confidence…I’m going back.
Now before any backlash from Android enthusiasts or how I should try Windows Mobile (not going to happen), here’s the deal…I don’t fall into this strange world of fanboyism for electronics. There are people that will yell and scream about how amazing Apple or Android or whatever is and how everybody else sucks. To each there own I say. I think most platforms do a variety of things very well, and some things not so much. No one is perfect. But for my world, I’ve learned that the iPhone is where I need to be. Here’s why:
- I’m ingrained in the Apple ecosystem. I use a Macbook Pro every day and I miss the consistency and marriage of my phone matching with my computer and software. Using an Android device and a Mac just don’t work nearly as well.
- You can say what you want when you compare mobile operating systems, but in my opinion, no system is more polished, clean, and overall a pleasant user experience then iOS. I’ve used the Android OS and it’s just too fragmented, messy and quite honestly, I always found myself trying to get it to look and work like iOS anyway. Most notably I found the text messaging UI and camera UI on the Note frustratingly bad as compared to the iPhone.
- The build quality of iPhones is unmatched. Although I really like having the bigger screen with the Note, the build quality always felt cheap and more susceptible to damage. If you have an old phone lying around, you can sell it at Buyback Boss.
- I never realized how many people I knew that used iPhones until I switched to Android. I miss the iMessage compatibility, and even more importantly, being able to iMessage with my kids on their iPods.
I really wanted to hold for the iPhone 6 which if I had to guess, will finally succomb to a larger screen size, but I don’t think I can wait that long so may pony up for the 5s. That was my experience, and interested to hear from others that have similar stories whether they ended up with the same or different results.
I have been selling wireless technologies to the Greater Chinese OEM/ODM Handset ecosystem for over 10 years, and I own two phones I like, and one more I dislike. I love my Blackberry Bold 9900 because it just does everything I need for business, and no one can replace the hybrid utility of a Touch + QWERTY keyboard device, but iOS, iTune and iPhone are for me hands down the best overall device for multimedia (except the keyboard). Apple makes great products and every version of the iPhone is better than previous versions but they still haven’t quite understood why so many people still use Blackberry devices. They have done very little to the software keycaps, not bigger so it’s always going to be a problem to type text for most people on the iPhone. As for Android, I have one, hate it, and the real big problem of Android OS is the lack of security not just for the device but for the Android online apps store. Android has flooded the market because too many people purchase mobile device based on hype, on fault ideas about user experience and are completely out of touch with the huge security problems of open OS mobile devices for remote and proximity mobile payments on Smartphones and Tablet PCs.
Great insight Karl. At the end of the day, for me, the user experience is #1, and in my opinion, that’s where Apple beats everyone else. After having owned an Android device for a few months, I feel I can say that objectively.
Interesting observations, Jason. I can understand why you made the switch and why you’re heading back to Apple. I feel the same way. I really want a bigger screen, but I don’t want to give up iOS for it. I like using iMessage from my MacBook Pro and using Find My Friends to locate loved ones.
I was hoping this week’s new iPhone was going to have a larger screen, but alas it doesn’t. I’ll be upgrading from my 4S anyway.
Thanks Carolyn. I’ve now had the iPhone 5s for a week and I feel like I’ve been reunited with an old friend. While it certainly isn’t a leap forward in advancements, it’s still a solid update to an already great phone. Fingers crossed they go to a larger screen size in the near future.
Jason and Carolyn,
Thanks for the insight however I must admit I am still so confused. I feel like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz but instead of clicking my heels to go home…I click my heels hoping anfd praying that when I wake there will be one phone that offers all that I need and desire on one platform. My present Iphone is one-step from not working so it is tantamount that I order a phone today. Yet I am really over Apple as it appears that within 1 year of owning each of my phones dating back to 7 years always seem to fail. I think there is a huge segment of users like myself that stay with Apple by default.
Hi Sharen…thanks for stopping by. I’ve never had issues with any iPhone I’ve had not working, and even when I have, I’ve found Apple to be very good from a service/support side. In actuality I had many more issues with my Samsung Galaxy Note 2 while I had it. Trust me when I say the grass is not greener on the other side!