It’s not too many times in your life when you actually get asked to audition for a reality show, but that’s exactly what happened last week. A casting producer for the upcoming Escape Routes contacted me and while at first I didn’t think it was feasible, the more I learned about it, the more I realized it would be a monumental mistake not to.
Escape Routes is officially season 2 of a Ford sponsored, web based, reality/adventure show that deeply integrates social media into the mix. The show is broadcast on Hulu, and last season was featured on the Jimmy Kimmel show and promoted heavily pre Super Bowl.
Once notified, I watched all of last season, and I have to say that I was genuinely impressed on how they leveraged social media, and how it played such an integral part of the show. Users had the ability to choose which team they wanted to side with, and interact with them throughout the show and its challenges. Followers were actually able to not only win prizes themselves, but help contestants with their specific challenges.
I can see how this investment is a wise one by Ford, especially with the growing trend towards original programming originating online rather then through traditional broadcast channels. So needless to say, I grew more excited by the prospect of being considered for the show. I auditioned last week and had a great experience. Between my love and experience of social media, competitiveness, and ability to make a fool of myself, I’m no doubt what they are looking for, and I have a tremendous partner in crime @melissayeager1, one of my very best friends who brings a combination of competitiveness, social savvy, and a do whatever it takes attitude that make us an unbeatable team. If you aren’t already, be sure to follow her as well!
I’m going to do something I rarely do. Ask my readers and followers to support our campaign by doing any or all of the following in order of preference:
1. Share this post on Twitter Tweet #escaperoutes
2. Share this post on Facebook while mentioning @fordescape & @jasonyormark.
3. Leave a comment on this post so that I may personally thank you for your support.
You may be asking yourself why bother? Fair response. Most of you may not. But it would be tremendously appreciated if you took the moment to do any of the above to give myself a better chance. As an added incentive and to make it more fun, leave a comment with your best embarrassing (but family friendly!) idea for me to film. I will take the best ideas, create a poll, and the winning submission I will post here on my blog in the next few weeks.
Thanks in advance, and more updates to come!
This is awesome Jason. Im sharing this EVERYWHERE 🙂
You are the man! Thanks much!
Best of luck!
My idea: Film an instructional video on how to dance the “Carlton” to a Tom Jones song.
Thanks. And that’s not embarrassing at all. Sounds pretty normal to me.
I’m not quite sure how much fun it’ll be if you don’t have to race to eat intestines from animals you’ve never heard of.
Good luck!
Oh that’s no challenge. I’m actually having that for lunch today. 🙂
Hello Jason,
Congratulations for auditioning for the Escape routes show. I was also contacted to try out, but I get sick if there’s too much motion in the bath tub.
I’m happy to help with any social media attention because I realize that’s a big part of the game.
So, for an embarrassing moment idea…
I was contacted because they were looking for a mixed martial arts fighter (or someone like me who trains like one). You look like a rugged dude. What about going into an MMA gym and (play) sparring with one of the guys or gals – or you could do Brazilian jiu jitsu with someone.
Of course, you would want to choose someone — maybe one of the instructors, if you don’t know anyone at the school you choose — to ensure that the person you’re sparring with stays in control and responsible for going light.
Where do you live? Come up to Boston. I’ll happily embarrass you.
+fordescape & +jasonyormark
oh snap…she called you out, J. Whacha gonna do ’bout dat?
I say he gets in the cage with Cris Cyborg Santos, she has some time on her hands #InsideJoke and #LMAO
Lol! Good call, Dino. I say he does a video called, “My 16 seconds (of shame) with Cris Cyborg Santos”
Thanks Cheryl. I’m all for having my ass kicked if it means getting on the show! I’m more of the boxer type myself. If I’m ever in the area, we can trade blows!
In case the cage fighting idea tickles your fancy, I left a link to a page of schools in the Seattle area on your Facebook page 🙂
Jason – Saw Dino’s note on Triberr and came over (and Tweeted). Best of luck to you.
Thanks Steve. Much appreciated.
Congratulations, Jason. That’s fantastic. Off to share with the world. Will drop in Networking Peeps to make sure everyone supports you in this campaign. Aloha. Janet
You’re the best as always Janet. Thanks for your support.
Retweeted and posted to FB…good luck! Now to catch up on the show 🙂
Thank you Evelyn. The first season was great. I hope I get a shot at this season.
you’re welcome
You’re welcome. Very welcome.
I am so happy for you! Dino Dogan did spread the word on Triberr! Hope you get in, sounds like fun! Lisa
Thanks for the kind words Lisa! Fingers crossed.
Yep. I’ll be sharing this everywhere as well. Hope to see you on the show.
Much appreciated Dan. You’re support is definitely worthy and valued. Thanks much!
Good luck Jason. Sounds like a great opportunity.
The doctor is in! Thanks Dr. Hinkamp. Certainly right up my alley.
How fun! I hope they get you into the show
Thanks Christi. Hope all this helps make it happen!
Good luck Jason!! I hope they pick you, I htikn you would do great!!!!
Hi Jason
Good luck with this! Sounds like huge fun! Saw Dino’s message on Triberr and wanted to help you out.
Thanks a ton Karen! I love Triberr!
That’s really exciting. Good luck, Jason! I hope you get picked!
Thanks for the support Renee. The feeling is mutual!
Good Luck! I’m offering to come along and put together a tailgating menu for your drive!
And I accept! Thanks for the support!
I am in. Good luck.
Dino sent me 🙂 Tweeted, plus 1 ‘ed, etc. Good luck!!
Awesome! Dino shared the link with me too 🙂 This is great!
Definitely sharing and going to support you. For those of us who don’t have Hulu +, is it on regular Hulu so we can follow along and be one step closer to fame ourselves? I’m claiming bragging rights with my friends already.
Is this a stepping stone to other reality TV projects? So cool!
Hi Carolyn. Haven’t made it on quite yet. It is on the regular Hulu site, so access is easy. Thanks for the kind words, but I still have to be picked!
Dino Dogan gave you a shout and frankly, Dino doesn’t ask for much, so it’s the least I can do. 1 question though, Do you get to test drive any of the uhm, models before you hand out the roses? Give ’em hell and break a send key.
Best of luck to you! Dumb question – Ford Motor Company? While you have their attention, ask them to start making family cars for Fur Parents 🙂
I’ve never heard of this and will definitely keep an eye out. It’s pretty exciting. Although everyone has a QR Code, Facebook page, and Twitter account, I sometimes wonder if people really get the power of social media.
Done and done! Best of luck Jason!
yay I hope you get picked. Then I can tell people my husband cyber knows someone famous. oh yeaah.
In the middle of a project right now, so no ideas to share. BUT, best of luck, Jason! I’ll spread this around for you!
This is beyond cool. What a concept and I’m so happy you were picked Jason. Let me know what i can do to help!
Thanks Mark! Coming from you that’s huge. Still a long way to go, but I’ll definitely keep everyone posted.
Good luck Jason! You’re the best – can’t wait to watch you win big on the tellie! 😉
I’m all over it for you!
Sounds like Jason is going to have lots of fun 🙂 Good for you mate! Action of sharing just took the place 🙂 Good Luck!
Good Luck Jason! I have spread the word. I hope you win.
You’ve got my vote Jason! Hope to see you on the big screen (so to speak 😛 )
(I’ll send a tweet out tonight)
Awesome Jason! Sounds like so much fun!! Jure asked a few of us to share this post and so I had to read it…so first time here. Very, very cool!
Thanks Joanne for the kind words and support. Fingers crossed!
Next up, Jimmy Kimmel… after you win, right?? Good luck! 🙂
Oh for sure. I’ll do all the late night rounds.
If this show includes a Christmas sweater contest, I think you’ll dominate.
I got yoru email and wasn’t quite sure what you were trying to get yourself in to. Don’t have any suggestions for a real embarrassing video but I’m sure that after wearing the wig, the sunglasses, and the bling to a volleyball tournament with 100’s of onlookers, embarrassing yourself is not a problem!! I’ll have to check out the show. Good luck.
You are all set.