One of my favorite things to see regarding social media is when one of the products, services or things I enjoy use it effectively. It’s surprisingly rare, but I’m finding more instances of this happening. None more so then from 2 of my current favorite recording artists, Dave Barnes and Matt Wertz.
I actually found both artists by accident. I found Dave’s website a few years ago perusing through a web design gallery, and just happened to take a listen to one of his hit songs “Until You”. I was an instant fan, and after a few weeks then stumbled across Matt’s music through Dave as they are good friends. Since then I’ve been following them not only musically, but socially. Both Matt and Dave do a very effective job of using social media and their websites to build their following. Both have a nice sized Twitter following, and use Twitter fairly proactively. I find myself learning quite a bit about their musical journeys, and in most cases it’s the main source for late breaking news with their music endeavors.
In addition they use Facebook (but Twitter is where they really shine), and there websites are slick, and full of useful information. Most recently, both artists have releases that are dropping in the next few weeks, but what’s really cool is how they used their sites and social media to give their followers early access to purchase the album before the official release. Both Dave and Matt revamped the front page of their sites to offer exclusive special packages with a variety of goodies along with their digital albums. It was a great way to reward their fans, and I bet it will help give both of them a boost in album sales and buzz prior to their official release.
If you’re an aspiring musician, both Dave and Matt are great examples of how to use social media and the web to become a successful musician. Be sure to check them out and have a listen.
Dave Barnes (Website, Twitter, Facebook, iTunes)
Matt Wertz (Website, Twitter, Facebook, iTunes)
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When music is being included in those social media, there’s a assurance that there will be a great impact due to the fact that there’s a lot of music lovers in the world and they use social media sites to be updated on those latest music release.