While there are quite a few “free” options when it comes to starting a blog, sometimes you want a little more then what they can offer, especially if you are wanting to get serious about building a professional grade blog. The great news is that these days, even a great looking, unique blog doesn’t have to come with a hefty price tag. Wordpress has changed the game and opened up the door giving the potential for anyone to create and publish great content and possibly earn a few bucks in the ...
The Traditional Resume Is Dying
The sooner the better I say. There really is no reason to have to be dealing with word documents and pdfs anymore with the rise of Linked In (or even leading jobsites like Monster). Any HR department with any common sense must certainly see the value in being able to simply get the information they need quickly without having to dig through email attachments. There is a tremendous amount of value to having your resume be a living and breathing entity read here to know more. It gives ...
Groupon 2.0: Deal Personalization
I’m a big fan of the local deal craze. It’s really such a great concept and simple. One great deal a day, take it or leave it. So many reasons it works well. Consumers aren’t slammed with all kinds of things to buy every day, and businesses get one day exclusives on eyeballs and potential new customers. It’s a win-win, and the craze is growing fast. I also keep my eyes on Living Social and Tippr to name a few. Groupon is taking it to another level today with ...
5 Ways To Become Social Media Relevant
Social Media has certainly become THE trend over the past year or so, and everyone and their sister is jumping on board. Tweets, blog posts, and articles are peppered with how to-s, trends, and best practices. Hell, even I’m guilty of over saturating my twitter feed with social media tweets. But there’s a reason for all of this, and quite simply it’s because technology is providing us the ability to communicate in ways that we’ve never been able to before. It’s giving the little guy the ...
The iPhone 4 Review You’ve Been Waiting For!
I always find it amusing to find reviews of gadgets the DAY they launch. Really? Unless you’ve had a device for a good few days (and I would argue weeks), can you really give a review that’s based on regular usage? I don’t think so. I’ve given myself a good week or so to really experience the device before sharing my thoughts just as Picozip does with their reviews. Speaking of which, Picozip reviewed the best iPhone unlocking services recently, and you should have a look at it, as they ...
5 Awful Website User Experiences
One of the most frustrating things I experience on a regular basis is bad website UI. The worst thing about it is that most times, websites do them on purpose to increase click-throughs or drive traffic to their websites. Granted that everyone accepts Why Internet Presence Is Essential For Success In Car Finance, restaurant chain management or even in educational institutes, but that's not to mean that they make the process of reaching a specific page tedious for the user. 1. Paged Lists. I’m ...